Thursday, February 9, 2006

Antarctica By Kayak

I've posted a few entries over the past few weeks regarding some arctic and Antarctic expeditions to cross the poles on foot. Here's one about a team of Aussies who are exploring Antarctica via Kayak along the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The three men will paddle for 40 days, and over 1000km, unsupported. The team is currently in a holding position off the Trinity Peninsula, waiting for a weather window to open. You can get updates on their journey on the expedition's website.

I've taken up kayaking over the past few years, and have come to really enjoy it. It's a great workout, and it's so nice being out on the water. Very tranquil at times. I have yet to do a kayak-camping trip, but I'd love to try that sometime. An expedition like this one sounds extremely demanding, not to mention cold! ;)

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