Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Trails.com Rates The Top 100

Trails.com ,an online database of North American outdoor routes, has released their annual list of Top 100 Trails. This excellent list has been compiled by analyzing over 10 million "votes" on the Trails.com website over the past year. The site contains over 30,000 entries, making it a great one-stop resource for finding a trail near you.

Some of the highlights of the list include: Breakneck Ridge Trail in Hudson Highlands State Park, NY, which came in at number 1 on the list, Glacier Gorge in Colorado coming in 3rd, Mount Whitney, CA at 5th, along with a number of routes along the Appalachian Trail. Most of the trails on the list are designated as hiking trails, but there are several mountain biking, road biking (which are new to this list), and walking trails as well.

If you're looking for a good hike this weekend, give the list a look. You're bound to find something close to home.

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