Friday, February 24, 2006

Patagonia Climbing Expedition News

Patagonia, as I've mentioned in the past, has some of the most remote, and beautiful, landscapes on Earth. It truly is one of the last great frontiers for exploration, climbing, and adventure. In addition to hosting that 10 day long adventure race that I wrote about over the past couple of weeks, it's also been the site of a number of climbing expeditions of late, as climbers scramble to take advantage of the warm Summer weather in the Southern Hemisphere.

First up, there is this story over at National Geographic Adventure that chronicles a climb that took place last fall. The climb was historic for being a first ascent on Cerro Torre, a peak until now that was thought to be unclimbable, but it also proved that a previous expedition did not find the summit as they had claimed. It's an interesting read, and the photos are incredible.

The next article I found over at It tells the story of a young team of Belgians who recently completed a climb of "Riders on the Storm, one of the crown jewels in Patagonia's repertoire of classic climbs." What's really amazing is that the team spent 11 days on the side of the mountain, completing one of the more challenging big wall climbs around.

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