Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Nepal: Strike During Climbing Season?

Mounteverest.net is reporting that a rumor is circulating of a general strike to hit Kathmandu by Maoist separatists at the beginning of the Himalayan climbing season. This has prompted climbers to question their travel plans and consider going at a later time.

For those unfamiliar with the politics of Nepal, Maoist separatists having been waging an ongoing rebellion against the government there for nearly a decade. Things heated up last year when the King dissolved the government and assumed direct control of Nepal with the help of the military. He has promised to hold elections in 2007, once things have been stabilized, but many fear that he will maintain control. The Maoist see this as an opportunity to stage a strike during the climbing season, which is typically an economic boon for the small mountain country. Of course, none of this is reported in any of the mainstream press here in the States, so you have to really hunt around for news and information.

It is unlikely that the climbing season will be disrupted to any major extend, as Kathmandu mainly serves as the base of arrivals and departures to the mountain ranges. However, it could put major delays in climbing expeditions, and with often limited weather windows on some of the major peaks, such as Everest and K2, any delay could cost someone an attempt at the summit. Lets hope this gets resolved soon and in a peaceful manner.

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