Monday, February 20, 2006

The Goliath Expedition!! (Holy Sh*t!)

Ok, here's an adventure I just heard about, and literally made me go "Holy Shit!". This may be old news to some people, but I just saw this story over at about something called "The Goliath Expedition."

Basically, the Goliath Expedition is one man's quest to "walk around the world with unbroken footsteps." That man is Brit Karl Bushby, who started his quest at the southernmost tip of South America with the intention of walking back home to Britain. Karl is now SEVEN years into the expedition and he has reached the Bearing Strait, which freezes in the winter, and should allow Karl to walk across the body of water and into Asia. No small task with the ice occasionally breaking up and creating huge gaps for him to navigate around.

Obviously Karl has a long way to go yet before he reaches home, and you can stay updated on his progress by reading regular reports on his website.

Simply Amazing. I wish him the best of luck!

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