Monday, February 20, 2006

Patagonia Adventure Race Continues

The Patagonia Adventure Race that I've blogged about a couple of times already is still under way. This expedition length race got underway last weekend, and the racers are still on the course, which is over 700km in length and is expected to take 10 days to finish. is doing their usual great job of keeping us all informed of what's going on down in South America. Head over to get the latest info. So far, we've seen navigation issues, challenging weather, including strong winds, and several lead changes. One team, FeedTheMachine/IBEX, even trekked for over 50 hours between Wednesday and Friday to cover the distance between checkpoints

At the moment, Alberta Adventure Racing team is in the lead, showing a strong performance on the trekking/navigation sections. If everything goes right, we should have a winner in the next few days. I'll let you know when the race is over!

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