Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Buff Espana Wins Patagonia Adventure Race!

Checkpoint Zero is reporting that the Spanish team Buff Espana has one the 2006 Patagonia Expedition Race, which I've been blogging about for the past week and a half.

The team crossed the finish line after 9 days or racing that included some long treks, challenging kayaking stages, and tough mountain biking legs. The Canadian team of Alberta Adventure Racing came in second, about three hours back.

Ironically however, the actual first team to cross the finish line was an unofficial team made up of South Africans and Chileans. The team was deemed unofficial due to the fact that other members of their respective teams had to drop out, and as anyone who follows adventure racing knows, the whole team has to finish together. The remaining members of the two teams decided to join forces and work together to finish the race, and as it turns out, the finished ahead of everyone else, but being officially out of the race, means they don't get the actual win. Still, and impressive, and strong showing out of those racers.

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