Stephen Regenold, The Gear Junkie himself, has written a great article that he posted both to his daily dose and was picked up by MSNBC on the baddest rapids to run in the United States.
Stephen poled some of the top kayakers in the country to get their suggestion on water to avoid, or if you're a great paddler yourself, seek out. Some of the suggestions sound pretty epic, like the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, which is described in the article as starting out like a small mountain stream, but blossoms into a raging river, all in the course of a few miles.
The Grand Canyon is given it's nod for being a great place to run white water, but it's the setting itself that really strikes awe in the hearts of paddlers. Those amazing cliffs and scenery add a sense of wonder beyond just a typical white water run. Other suggestions include Upper Youghiogheny River in Maryland, the 150-mile Kennebec in Maine, and the the South Fork of the American River east of Sacramento.
To really get a good look at the rivers, checkout the accompanying slideshow for some awesome photographs and more info on each of the selections. Great stuff.
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