Monday, August 27, 2007

Alan Arnette is Shisha Pangma Bound!

Alan Arnette departs this week for Shisha Pangma, the next step in his Road Back To Everest. Alan has set out to raise money and awareness for the Cure Alzheimer's Fund by climbing Everest in the Spring of 2008, but before he returns to the highest mountain on Earth, he is conducting a series of training climbs in his home state of Colorado as well as else where.

In June Alan set out to conquer Denali only to be turned back at 17,000 feet due to illness that didn't seem to be related to altitude. Since his return, he has undergone a series of tests, regained his strength, and has climbed a number of 14-ners in Colorado in preparation for his next challenge, Shisha Pangma.

On Thursday of this week, Alan will set out for Kathmandu, where he'll join the rest of his team for the Shisha Pangma expedition. Shisha is the 14th highest peak in the world, stretching up 26,335 feet (8,027m), and is located in southern Tibet. Alan and his team will be taking the most traveled route to the summit and with a little luck, some good weather, and lots of hard work, the team is looking to top out around Oct. 8th.

Throughout his expedition, Alan intends to post dispatches to his website, and provide updates on how the climb is going. It should be a unique opportunity for us to get a great perspective on climbing an 8000m peak. Shisha will be Alan's fifth expedition to such a mountain, but his first time on this mountain. If you want to receive Alan's dispatches directly to your e-mail, go to his site and sign up. I can personally tell you that the dispatches from Denali were interesting to read and these should be even better.

Good luck Alan. Climb high and climb safe!

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