Roz Savage has abandoned her attempt to row solo across the Pacific, just 12 days into her expedition. After months of planning and several delays, it looks like, for now anyway, her plans have been waylaid.
Roz set out on August 12th, from San Francisco, with the intention of rowing to Hawaii. Early on things were going well, and she made decent time on calm waters. But, the further out she rowed, the rougher the seas got, and at one point, it was so rough that the boat rolled completely over twice in one night. The boat is designed to roll in bad weather, but a rough night like that was enough to convince Roz that it was time to go home.
You can read a more detailed, and personal account on her website and this isn't the first time she's experienced such trying times at sea. In 2006 she rowed solo across the Atlantic, and has openly talked about how difficult it was for her to be alone for all those days, facing a daunting task.
It's unclear yet if she'll give it another go. I'm sure she'll want some time to examine her options and think about her approach before deciding what her next move is.
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