Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blog Roll:

There's an interesting new blog that recently launched called It's author is a man named Wade who describes his blog as the "Musings of a disgruntled suburbanite", but if you read his bio you'll see that he's one of us.

Wade enjoys "fly-fishing, hiking, bouldering, shooting, boating, white-water kayaking and skiing" and although his heart is in Colorado, he's recently relocated out East, and is struggling with the more urban environments there. So, he launched this promising new blog to help him stay in touch with the things he loves and is passionate about. He's already posted some great pictures, and a number of articles on all manner of outdoor related topics. It looks like he has some great things in store for us over there, but we'll have to wait for a few weeks for more. His latest post says he's off to Italy for a vacation, and the blog won't be updated much until after his return.

So, while we're all enjoying what he's posted so far, we can also be just a teensy bit jealous while he's enjoying life in Italy. You better have some great pictures and stories to tell when you get back mister!

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