Tom from Two-Heel Drive pointed me towards this excellent review of the Garmin Colorado 400t GPS over at Calipidder.com.
The review is exceptionally well done, with lots of nice details, and an in depth look at this device, which comes with built in topographic maps of the entire United States, and a base map that covers the World. It also has a unique navigation system that uses a click wheel not unlike that of an iPod. I've been eyeing one of these for some time, but haven't had the chance to play with one yet, so this review was great at telling me what the Colorado does well and what it needs some work on.
Reviewer Rebecca puts the Colorado through it's paces on a trail run and geocaching, and after a short 24 hours of use, she's completely sold on the new device. From her report, the maps are good, the tracking is accurate, and it had more features then you can shake a stick at. She goes on to say that she intends to use the Colorado for backcountry navigation and more geocaching, which the unit does very well, but has capabilities that extend far beyond those uses as well.
Hmm... I just got my REI dividend as well, and I received several REI giftcards for Christmas that I still haven't used. Perhaps I should make a trip over to the store this weekend. That is, unless someone over at Garmin wants to send me one to play with! ;)
More on the Colorado 400t here.