Friday, May 23, 2008

Annapurna Update: Iñaki Has Passed

Sad news this morning as ExWeb is reporting that Iñaki Ochoa has passed away on Annapurna. At the time of his death, Swiss climbers Ueli Steck and Simon Anthamatten were at his side, still fighting to keep him alive as they waited for assistance to arrive.

The news first came down a few days back that he had collapsed at Camp 4 after turning back just 100 meters below the summit. The Spanish climber had suffered some type of seizure, no doubt do to altitude sickness, and hovered on the edge of consciousness, unable to walk or talk.

The second rescue team was at least four hours away in Camp 3 and were battling exhaustion and fresh snow on the mountain. That team consisted of Serguey Bogomolov, Don Bowie and Denis Urubko. It is reported that they still intend to head up the mountain and perhaps they will try to bring Iñaki's body down.

I wish to express my sincerest condolences to Iñaki's friends and family. He was an amazing climber and an amazing man. The entire mountaineering community mourns with you today and you are in our thoughts and prayers. Rest in peace Iñaki.

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