Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Roz Savage Back On The Water!!

Last August, I posted about Roz Savage and her attempt to row solo across the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, just a couple of weeks into her attempt she was forced to abandon her adventure due to bad weather. At the time it was unclear if she would attempt the feat a second time.

A few months on dry land have been enough to convince her to give it another go however, as she got back underway on the 25th of May, sneaking out of San Francisco at a little past midnight. She's already started updating her blog of the voyage including a great post on a close encounter she had today with a group of dolphins.

If all goes according to plan, Roz will row across the Pacific in three stages. This summer she hopes to complete the first stage, rowing from San Francisco to Hawaii, a distance of roughly 2324 miles. Next year she'll go to work on Stage 2, rowing from Hawaii to Tuvalu, and finally in 2010 she'll complete the journey, with the third stage going from Tuvalu to Cairns, Australia. When she's finished, Roz will be the first woman to successfully row across the Pacific.

This time out, Roz will be calling in to Leo Laporte's TWiT podcast show with regular updates from the water. Leo has provided her with a sat phone for the voyage and filled an iPod with Audible books to help her pass the long hours at sea, something she has admitted to struggling with in the past.

I want to wish Roz good luck on her second attempt. We'll be following along and I'll make regular updates on her progress. A big thanks to Jon from The Rest of Everest for passing along the news on her departure.

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