Wednesday, May 28, 2008

50 States, 50 Summits, 50 Days! has a very cool story today about a Colorado school teacher, who has announced his intention to reach the highest point in each of the 50 States over the course of 50 days or less.

Mike Haugen's will begin his quest by topping out on Denali first. The clock will start ticking as soon as he reaches the summit, and then he'll be off, looking to reach the summits of all the high points in the 49 remaining States. You'll be able to follow Haugen's progress at once he gets underway on June 9th. He intends to post images, videos, and blog updates about his journey, and what each of the highpoints is like for each State.

The 31 year old Everest summiteer is approaching his project with two goals in mind. First, he hopes to update the Highpoints display at the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum in Golden, CO to more accurately reflect each of these tallest points. But more importantly, he's hoping to encourage kids to get outside and get physically active as a means of combatting obesity in children. He's hoping he'll inspire some kids to go the highpoint of their state, where ever that may be.

Haugen and his sponsor Coleman are calling this the "50 States in 50 Days Challenge", and the website will launch with a number of activities for children to take part in. Being a school teacher himself, he's hoping that other teachers will find ways to add this project to their curriculum, encouraging their own students to get more active.

Good luck Mike! Looks like a great project!

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