Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mellow Johnny's Grand Opening Report

Last week I mentioned that Lance Armstrong was opening a new bike shop in Austin, Texas called Mellow Johnny's. The shop is designed to infuse bike culture in Austin, and has some unique aspects to it that will make it a cool place to hang out for cycling crowd. For instance, there is an in-house coffee shop, and a place to sit and watch as the mechanics go to work on your bike.

The Outside Blog got to drop by and take in the grand opening festivities this weekend, including some time with Lance, and have posted their thoughts on the new shop here. There is also a video interview with Lance himself as he talks about his vision of a cool bike shop and where he'd like to go with it in the future.

After reading this article, and hearing about the cool things they go to do this past weekend, I have to first ask: Why wasn't I invited? Seriously Lance, I live right here in Austin. I'm sure it was just an oversight though. You can make it up to me with a private interview. ;)

I actually did drive by the shop this weekend, but when I went by Saturday morning it didn't appear to be open just yet. I'll probably drop in soon to check out all the cool gear and the bikes I can't afford. Should be a fun new addition to the already eclectic atmosphere in downtown Austin.

Now seriously Lance, give me a call.

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