Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jake Norton and Conrad Anker Take Us Up Everest!

I've posted links to Jake Norton's MountainWorld Blog on numerous occasions, as Jake, who is a mountain guide and has been on Everest a number of times, always posts thoughtful and well written blog posts on many of the topics I like to cover. He's also an excellent photographer, and I appreciate his ability to capture magnificent shots from some amazing locations. It seems Jake has gone and outdone himself again, as he has posted a great video on his site that takes us up the North Side of Everest, using his amazing photos. As if that wasn't enough, the narrator for our little virtual journey is none other than Conrad Anker.

Apparently the video was put together in conjunction with NPR and their show The World which is amongst my favorite programs. They were doing a piece on Everest, no doubt for coverage of the Olympic Torch, and asked Conrad to lend his voice, and Conrad suggested they use images from Jake.

The results can be seen and heard here, and speak for themselves. Really amazing stuff.

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