Thursday, May 22, 2008

Everest 2008: Apa Sherpa Claims 18th Everest Summit!

It's been widely reported on ExWeb, The Adventurist, and even the AP, that climbing legend Apa Sherpa has reached the summit of Everest once again, making it the 18th time he has stood on top of the world's highest peak. Apa reached the summit at 5:45 AM local time this morning.

Apa continues to amaze. He seems to be one of the few constants on Everest, and topping out on the mountain 18 times is indeed an impressive accomplishment. ExWeb has speculated that he'll go for an even 20, but we'll have to wait and see. He had no plans to go up this year until he was asked to join the Eco Everest Team. We'll just have to wait to see if he gets a similar motivation in the years ahead.

Congratulations Apa!

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