Friday, May 30, 2008

More Gear of the Year From Outside

Outside Magazine has posted more of their favorite gear on their website, giving us a complete rundown of the 2008 Gear of the Year winners.

This is their complete and comprehensive list covering most of the big gear items, like new bikes, both road and mountain. The Trek Madone 5.2 takes home top honors on the road, while the Ibis Mojo SL is the king off. Both bikes are a thing of beauty.

In other areas, their Top Mobile Device goes to the Nokia N95 superphone, which will be trumped soon by the N96. This sweet phone packs a 5 megapixel camera, with a Carl Zeiss lens no less, Wi-Fi, GPS, and video recording and playback. The price is a bit of a sticker shock though as it'll set you back $780. And people thought that the iPhone was expensive!

Other gear winners include the Nikon D3 taking home the honors as Top Camera and the North Face Primero 60 as the best Backpack.

There are plenty of other great gear items to check out for yourself as well. Of course, this list still suffers from the fact that it's gear that most of us can't afford. That Nikon D3, for instance, will set you back about $5000. While I applaud these gear lists, as they can't help but make you drool, it's always nice when they make a similar list for us regular folks who have a more modest salary. Still, as usual, the items that make the cut are great pieces of technology and will inspire your gear lust for sure.

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