Tuesday, January 19, 2010

17-Year Old Sets Record For Seven Summits

Backpacker Magazine is reporting in their Daily Dirt Blog that 17-year old Johnny Collinson of Utah has become the youngest person to climb the Seven Summits after reaching the top Mt. Vinson yesterday.

Collinson has yet to post anything to his own website, but he was climbing with a Mountain Madness team, and they have reported the teen's success. Johnny was part of a four person team that was guided up by North Face athlete Willie Benegas, who will be on his way to Aconcagua shortly.

A quick glance at Johnny's website tells us that he has climbed the Carstenz Pyramid version of the Seven Summits, which is of course the most challenging and technically demanding. There is no word on whether or not he'll head to Australia to nab Kosciusko, the tallest mountain on that continent. But considering that it is a simple walk up, it would only be a bump in the road for him after claiming these other peaks.

Congrats to Johnny on a job well done. Will he hold the record long though? Jordan Romero plans to head to Everest this spring and Vinson in the fall.

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