Thursday, January 7, 2010

Summit on the Summit: Heading To Kilimanjaro Today!

The Summit on the Summit expedition officially gets underway today, with the team of celebrity climbers heading to Kilimanjaro to begin their fundraising climb of Africa's tallest mountain. Over the course of the next eight days, they'll be working their way up to the summit in an effort to increase awareness of the clean drinking water crisis that effects many around the planet.

Spearheaded by musician Kenna, the project has joined forces with the Children's Safe Drinking Water Program, amongst others, and is hoping to deliver clean drinking water to remote places all over the planet, with the help of a unique sponsorship drive that allows us to sponsor a foot of their climb. Kenna is joined on the team by the likes of rapper Lupe Fiasco, actors Jessica Biel and Emile Hirsch, and explorer Alexandra Cousteau.

The official website for the climb has always been slick and well done, offering lots of information about Kili, the team, and their cause. But when looking over the site this morning, I noticed that they have information how each of the team members are faring on the climb as well, listing their heart rate, O2 level, and the steepness of the trail they are currently trekking. It should be fun to follow along over the next week, and keep track of how they are all doing, as the slog to the summit is no easy hike. You can also follow along at the Summit on the Summit Twitter Feed which is found at @SOTSK.

Good luck to the entire team. I hope they have a blast, reach their goals, and stand at the Roof of Africa.

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