Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Erik Weihenmayer Talks Blind and Naked Climbing Video

Back in November, climber and mountaineer Erik Weihenmayer made a difficult ascent up Naked Edge, a route in Eldorado Canyon State Park in Colorado. The route is rated a 5.11a, which means that it is plenty challenging for any climber, but Erik made the ascent up the 700+ foot wall and added it to his impressive resume that includes a summit of Mt. Everest back in 2005. Oh, and in case you didn't know, Erik also happens to be blind. Yep, he made that 700 foot climb without the use of his vision. Impressive no?

Now, a couple of months after the climb, Weihenmayer shares his thoughts on the experience in a post over at the Hardwear Session Blog. It's an interesting read to say the least, but the accompanying video is even more impressive. You'll find it below. I recommend reading the story first, then watching the vid. It makes it even more impressive and lends insight into what the climber was facing on that wall.

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