Thursday, January 21, 2010

Antarctica 2009: Meagan Heading Home, Ryan and Cecilie Nearly Done!

More news from the Antarctic today as one expedition comes to an end and another is steaming towards the finish line.

We'll start with Ryan Waters and Cecilie Skog who are nearing the end of their adventure. In a dispatch sent out yesterday, they noted that they had made impressive time across the Axel Heiberg Glacier, which was the one remaining obstacle in the completion of their traverse of the continent. After a very long, 17-hour day, the pair covered plenty of mileage, passing some extremely treacherous terrain in the process.

The end of their dispatch reads as follows:

Today we covered 30 kilometers down the long and lovely glacier and can literally see the finish out below us on the frozen Ross sea ice.

Check here tomorrow for the breaking news...

We're still waiting for a dispatch today, but it seems that their epic journey should come to an end very shortly, as the pair arrive at long last at the Ross Sea. Stay tuned!

Also, Megan McGrath posted a written note a few days back as well. It seems the intrepid Canadian adventurer didn't spend too much time at the South Pole, as she was already back in Punta Areanas, Chili by Tuesday, and was heading home yesterday. Talk about a quick turn around!

Meagan says that her South Pole expedition was the hardest thing she's ever done and this is coming from a girl who has completed the Seven Summits, including Everest. She says she is exhausted, and looking forward to some rest, but after a bit of down time, she'll be back to training for her next adventure.

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