Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Rest of Everest DVD Giveaway Week 1 Winner!

Congratulations to Val Nordquist of Philadelphia, PA for winning the Rest of Everest DVD contest this week and claiming a copy of Everest {the other side}. I'll get that DVD shipped out to you ASAP Val, and I hope you enjoy it! :)

A new episode of The Rest of Everest should be available later today, which means we'll have another opportunity to win in the next day or two. If you're a fan of Everest, and mountaineering in general, you'll want a copy of this DVD. It's an excellent, well made film about the mountain, and it was the catalyst that brought us the Rest of Everest podcast.

Thanks to everyone who entered this week. If you didn't win, give it a shot this week. We have a number of DVD's to give away, and it's easy to win!

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