Monday, January 25, 2010

New ExWeb Launching Soon!

If you've wandered by Explorersweb today you may have noticed that it is not open for business. Instead, there is a simple note saying that "explorersweb 3.0 will launch soon", with no further indication of when we can expect the site to relaunch nor what new additions we will see once it does.

Regular readers of my blog already know that I'm a big fan of ExWeb and frequently link to their stories and news from adventurers doing crazy things and visiting remote places all over the planet. While I don't always agree with their stance on certain issues, I do think they do a good job of keeping us all abreast on a variety of topics that we all love, such as mountaineers taking on big peaks, polar explorers heading to the top and bottom of the world, and a whole lot more.

With that in mind, I'm very much interested in seeing what they have in store for us once the site relaunches. Will it be more interactive? Will it allow us to leave comments on stories? How about forums to discuss the latest news and events from the adventure world? Will it include some *gasp* social media elements which have become so popular over the past few years? I guess only time will tell.

So, what would you like to see in a redesigned and relaunched Explorersweb? The old design was functional and worked well, but was starting to look a little dated. Still, I was generally on the site for the content, and not for the design. They always managed to pack quite a bit of info in the space they had, and I suspect that will remain the case in the new design as well. How fancy they get with flash, video, and other features will be interesting to see. Hope they're back up and going again soon.

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