Tuesday, November 2, 2010

127 Hours Opens This Weekend

Academy Award winner Danny Boyle debuts his new film 127 Hours this weekend, and as most of you know by now, it tells the tale of Aron Ralston, who gained a measure of infamy when he managed to pin his arm under a boulder while hiking in the canyons of Utah back in 2003. The film looks amazing in every preview I've seen so far, and I'm looking forward to catching it as soon as I can, even though there are reports of people passing out from the scene in which Aron, played by James Franco, has to amputate his own arm.

If you're like me, and often wondered just exactly how Aron managed to get his arm pinned under that boulder, you may wan to watch the clip below, which comes to us courtesy of Outside Online. It shows exactly how the accident happened as Ralston scrambled down the walls of one of the canyons.

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