Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chinese Scientists Organizing Search For Yeti

Not sure how I missed this story a few weeks back, but I stumbled across it last night while researching another story. According to the Telegraph, a team of Chinese scientists are preparing to launch a new search for a mythical ape-like creature known locally as the Yeren, which seems to be a distant cousin to the Yeti of the Himalaya or North America's Sasquatch.

The researchers are seeking volunteers and funding to launch this latest expedition to go in search of the elusive creature which has had more than 400 sightings in the Hubei Province over the years, although there has never been any hard evidence to suggest that the beast actually exists. Previous expeditions to find the creature took place back in the 70's and 80's, but other than a few strange, and sometimes lurid, tales, there was little to report. Those search teams did find hair and footprints, but the studies of those samples were inconclusive. The new search will use five teams to cover a wider area and will employ the latest technology in the hopes of capturing hard evidence that the Yeren actually does roam the remote and lightly inhabited region.

While I have my doubts about the actual existence of the Yeti, Bigfoot, or the Yeren, these stories still spark a bit of interest. After all, we're still finding new species all the time, and the world has some amazing things still hidden away from us. Chasing myths is usually in vain, but then again, sometimes just taking that leap is its own reward.

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