Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monsoon Rains Stall Bhutan Kayaking Expedition

A couple of weeks back I posted a story about a kayaking expedition to Bhutan during which explorer Gary Moffatt was hoping to complete a 14 year quest to paddle all of that country's major rivers. At the time, the team was gathering supplies and gear and were preparing to make the journey to the remote Phunakha Valley to begin the expedition, but according to their latest dispatch, heavy rains have prevented them from getting under way.

Moffatt and the team have posted a couple of updates to the Born Out There Blog, which is the official blog of First Ascent gear. In their latest video dispatch, which you can watch below, you'll see how beautiful and mysterious Bhutan is, but the clip ends on a bit of a cliff hanger, as Gary and the crew are unsure when they'll be able to get out on the water, as the river is currently swelled to capacity thanks to recent monsoon activity.

I've always been fascinated with Bhutan. It is one of the most remote countries on Earth and the landscapes are incredibly breathtaking. On top of that, its people are amongst the happiest on the planet, and Buddhist culture is evident in every aspect of the place. It is one of those places that I feel compelled to visit some day, and videos like this one just make that more evident. Hopefully the team will get to begin their paddle soon, and we'll get more updates on their progress.

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