Monday, November 1, 2010

New Record Set For London to Cape Town Drive

A couple weeks back I posted a story about three adventurous Brits who were setting out to drive from London to Cape Town, South Africa, and in the process they hoped to set a new record for completing that journey overland. On Thursday of last week, the trio reached the finish line, smashing the old mark by nearly two days.

Mac MacKenney, Chris Rawlings and Steve MacKenney covered more than 16,000km (10,000 miles) on their Max Adventure, crossing through 20 countries and three continents on their way to setting the new speed record. The entire drive took 11 days, 14 hours, and 11 minutes to complete. That mark is 1 day, 18 hours, and 37 minutes better than the previous record, which according to ExWeb, was set by Eric Jackson and Ken Chambers back in 1963.

As I mentioned previously, the journey wasn't made simply for the adventure but also as a fund raiser. The team is hoping to raise money and awareness for the Help The Heroes fund, an organization that aids British soldiers that have been wounded in the line of duty. Mac, Chris, and Steve are hoping to raise as much as £100,000 for the group.

Covering 10,000+ miles in just 11 days is quite an impressive feat. This record will probably stand for some time, although there are likely to be challengers soon. Like I said the first time, I'd love to make this trip, but I'd want to do it at a much slower pace.

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