Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WideWorld Interviews Aron Ralston

With Danny Boyle's new film 127 Hours creeping out (far too slowly!) to the public, Aron Ralston, the subject of the critically acclaimed movie, has found himself the center of attention once again. As most of you know, Ralston is the young man who rose to notoriety back in 2003 when he was hiking in Utah and had a boulder fall on his arm. Stranded in the wilderness for several days, he resorted to using a pocket knife to amputate part of his own arm in order to escape.

Our friends over at WideWorld managed to score an interview with Aron and posted it earlier today. It overs some amazing insights into Ralston's thoughts while trapped under that boulder, knowing early on that he was going to have to amputate the arm, but having to work up to actually doing it. He also tells WideWorld how it felt to go through that process, calling it "both extremes of pain and absolute elation." He goes on to talk about leading a life of adventure, since his accident he has climbed all of Colorado's 14ers, competed in adventure races, and more. Finally, he talks about his rebirth, and the impact of meeting the woman who would eventually become his wife.

It is a very powerful piece and a highly recommended read. Aron shares some very personal moments and talks about things that have influenced and changed his life for the better, even after his well documented story in the canyon.

Now, has anyone seen the film? It isn't playing in the Austin area, so I haven't had the chance to see it yet. If you have seen it, what are your thoughts?

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