Friday, November 5, 2010

Adventure Journal Tells Us About Aron Ralston

With the feature length film  127 Hours opening today, it seems like a fitting time to revisit the story of Aron Ralston, the subject of Academy Award winner Danny Boyle's film. Ralson was the hiker who shot to fame (or infamy depending on your point of view) when he became trapped under a boulder in a remote Utah canyon and was forced to amputate part of his own arm in order to escape. The film will give us more details about that ordeal, and from early reports, it can be difficult to watch at times.

Today, Adventure Journal has posted an interesting profile of Ralston that should serve as a nice primer for those heading out to see the film this weekend. The article is, in my opinion, a fair and balanced look at Aron, who became a folk hero for some and was vilified by others.

The story offers insights into the Ralson's character, the making of the film and a lot more. As I read it, it helped to fill in some gaps about the story that I had forgotten, and it prepared me to go into the theater with a fresh look and an open mind. We've all heard the stories of Aron being reckless while in the wild, and the film will certainly display that, but as this profile points out, he also offers us an amazing tale that can be inspiring as well. It seems pretty clear that Ralson is not the same man that he was when he entered that canyon back in 2003.

Sure, we can point fingers at him for hiking alone without letting anyone know where he was. And for taking chances he shouldn't have taken. But his story is a compelling one, and we all can't help but wonder what we would have done in his place.

Personally, I can't wait to see the film. Check out the trailer below, and then get to the theater this weekend!

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