Saturday, August 19, 2006

AR World Championship Day Four!

It's Day Four over in Sweden, and the top of the leaderboard has seen some changes. If you check the live listing you'll see that Team Finland now leads the race, with Nike Powerblast making their move back into second, but still two hours behind the leaders. In their place is up and coming team GoLite/Timberland, who have raced well throughout the year. Team Lundhags, who have led much of the race, have fallen back into fourth place. With about another day or racing yet to go, it'll come down to who has banked the most sleep, and who can move the fastest over what remains of the course. After you've finished looking over the leaderboard, head over to Check Point Zero to read their latest race report.

Update: It's been a few hours since I posted the above message, and since that time it seems that Nike has closed the gap on Team Finland, whose lead is now under an hour. Nike is considered the best adventure racing team in the world by many observers of the sport, and it looks like they're not going to go down easy in this race. GoLite/Timberland is about a half hour back in third place, with Lundhags in fourth and losing ground.

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