Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Where's Yours?

Have you seen this website? It's called, and it's a place for people with an affinity for the outdoors to share their favorite places with others. You'll find a map of the United States with all kinds of virtual push pins marking locations that people have added, with explanations and information on the different sites. You can even zoom in on specific regions and states to find more locations, and it seems to be updated frequently with people adding there favorite locations. So, if you're looking for some place different for your next outdoor adventure, you might give it a look. Who knows, you may find something you hadn't known about before.

Why am I telling you about this site? Well, for one, it's actually a pretty cool site. But Nature Valley has also promised me a free box of granola bars if I blogged about it, and lord knows I don't mind selling out. But mostly, it's to get them to stop e-mailing me about it. ;)

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