Monday, August 28, 2006

Want to vist Everest BC on Outside and REI?

Outside Magazine had teamed up with premiere outfitterREI" to send one lucky winner on a trip of a lifetime. Randomly tucked away in one issue of the magazine, which has been sent out to newsstands and went on sale on August 15, is a ticket for a trip to Everest Base Camp in Nepal. The issue itself is dedicated to the fascination with Everest, the highest peak on Earth. A quick check of the REI Adventures website indicates that the trip itself is valued at $2700+ without airfare, and includes a 19-day trek from Kathmandu to Everest and back, through the Himalayas.

Now, before you head out to rifle through all the magazines on the newsstand, and believe me, the idea crossed my mind too, you should know that each magazine has a code in it that must be taken online to see if you hold the Golden Ticket. After purchasing the issue, you'll head over to and enter your magazines specific number to see if you've won. I guess I need to take a swing by the bookstore in the next day or two, as my subscription to Outside has lapsed and I haven't gotten around to renewing it yet.

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