Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Phonak Dissolves Cycling Team!

According to various reports, including this one from ESPN.com, Floyd Landis' former cycling team, Phonak, will be shut down at the end of the year. The owner has stated that he will dissolve the team due to on going doping scandals in cycling and zero interest in anyone to buy the team.

You'll recall, Landis was fired from the team for testing postive for high levels of testosterone following his win in the Tour de France. In a span of about a week, Landis went from being an inspiring hero, to one of sports biggest disappointments. It's sad that Team Phonak will no longer exisit, but lets face it, the entire sport of cycling has a major crisis it needs to address. Doping is nothing new to the sport, but it doesn't seem like it's getting any better, nor does it seem to be going away. I'm sure we'll see further backlash in the weeks and months ahead on this vary subject.

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