Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Expedition 360!

Regular readers of my blog know that I've mentioned the Goliath Expedition a few times in the past. Well, it seems that Karl Bushby isn't the only one out to circumnavigate the globe. While surfing around ExWeb today, I came across this story about Expedition 360. Unlike Busby, who is walking around the globe, Steve Smith and Jason Lewis are attempting to circumnavigate without the use of motorized vehicles of any kind. They set out in 1994 with the intention of walking, biking, or paddling their way around the planet, mostly unsupported. Steve dropped out in 1998 after reaching Hawaii, but Jason continues on, 12 years later, and is generally alone, but is often joined by other intrepid travelers on the various legs of the expedition. You can read more about this incredible journey at the official website which includes a rather interesting Journal/Blog from Jason. What an awesome adventure. Jason had better write a book about it when he's done!

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