Thursday, August 17, 2006

Switching To Blogger Beta

So, has added some new tools for all of us to play with, and I took advantage of the chance to jump into the beta program today by switching my blog over to the new format. It seems that it'll offer some great new options for settig up our blogs, and make things simpler, although it doesn't fully support Safari yet on the Mac.

Anyway, bear with me over the next few days while I try out some new templates, and play with my layout some. I promise not to break things too much. Oh! And there were some wonderful, and encouraging, comments posted in the last few days that I appreciated very much. Several of them didn't make the conversion over to the new system, which is why they don't appear under the stories for which they were written. I just wanted to let everyone know that I did indeed see them, and that I'm glad that you are enjoying my blog. Thanks again for the encouragement!

Update: After playing with the new version of Blogger, I'm really liking what I'm seeing. I've now given you, the reader, the ability to e-mail a post to someone who might find it of interest, which is very nice. Not that anyone would find anything worth passing on here. :) I'm also playing with the colors a bit and I may add labels as well going forward. I haven't decided on that one yet, although it would make things easier to find. I'm just not sure I want to go back and edit all the old posts to include them or not. One thing I do love, is the new "instant publish" feature. It's much faster at updating everything now. Me likes!

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