Sunday, August 6, 2006

Susan Butcher Succumbs to Leukemia is reporting that four time Iditarod Champion Susan Butcher has died at the age of 51 from a reoccurrence of leukemia. Butcher was the second woman to win the race, and is probably the number one reason that most Americans even know what the Iditarod is. When she was winning races, she became a media darling, and captured the attention of the entire country. I know that when I was a kid, I first heard about this epic race because of her dominance.

I first blogged about her illness some months ago, and at the time, her prognosis was looking better. But leukemia is a nasty disease, and it's very indiscriminate in who it attacks. My heart is heavy with this news, and my thoughts and prayers go out to Susan's family in this time of sadness. Mush on Susan!

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