Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Terri Schneider's Next Adventure!

A few months back I followed Terri Schneider's progress in the Gobi March through her blog. Terri is an endurance athlete who posts her blog over at Mountain Zone, and I found her posts from the race to be a joy to read, allowing us to get a peek behind the curtain at an event like The March. Well, now she's off on another adventure, and blogging about it once more as she climbs Mt. Elbrus in Russia (One of the Seven Summits), and as if that wasn't enought, she'll return to France to race in the Tour Du Mont Blanc, a 98 mile trail race through the mountains. In this post, she discusses her upcoming adventures, and waxes a little philosophical. I'll update as she does. Can't wait to read her reports.

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