Tuesday, April 1, 2008

40 Days and 40 Nights on The AT Over Already??

While reading Best Hike's coverage of GoLite founder Demetri Coupounas' attempt to 40 days and nights on the AT without resupply, I was directed to a post over at WhiteBlaze.net that says that "Coup" is already done with his 40 days without resupply attempt. Apparently the 120+ pounds of weight on his back was just too much.

White Blaze is a website for "Appalachian Trail Enthusiasts" with a good community of very knowledgeable hikers. The afore mentioned post says that Demetri made it to Neel Gap in Northern Georgia before he decided to give up on his attempt and instead focus on just enjoying the trail and the time that he could spend on it. Apparently he shipped 121 pounds of his gear and supplies back home, and will not being getting back to the principles of the company he founded and will GoLite.

I can't imagine lugging a pack that full around for more than a day or two, let alone 40. There is o word on what he kept with him, but my money is on the 8 pounds of chocolate. ;)

Thanks to Rick at the Best Hike Blog and "FREDTERP" for updating me.

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