Thursday, April 17, 2008

Scott and Shackleton's Antarctic Huts

This blog post over at Fogonazos has some amazing photos of the long lost Antarctic huts of Ernest Shackleton and Robert Falcon Scott, two explorers who were caught up in the Race to the South Pole in the early 20th Century.

Believe it or not, nearly a century later, both of their huts are still standing, and are still stocked with canned goods and other items from their original expeditions. The one above is from Shackleton's attempt at the Pole, and the one below is all that remains from Scott's ill fated expedition. Inside they are still much the way they were when the explorers left them for the last time. The huts are antarctic time capsules harkening back to a different era when explorers were still seen as heroes and their exploits made front page news.

There are a lot more photos at the link above and they shouldn't be missed. Thanks to Team Geared Up for the link. Great stuff.

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