Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Storm Over Everest To Air May 13th on PBS

Set your DVR's folks. David Breashears' much heralded film Storm Over Everest is set to air on May 13th from 9 to 11 PM EDT. The film takes a look back at the events that transpired on the mountain during the Spring Season of 1996 in which a fast moving, and massive storm, moved in on the mountain, leaving three teams stranded on the mountain, and eventually lead to the death of five climbers on the South Col.

By now, the story is well known, and legendary. But during this film, Breashears, who was there on the mountain that day and took part in the rescue attempts, looks back, along with other survivors, including climbers and sherpas alike, some of whom have never spoken of those events before. The film will go in depth into the events of that fateful day back in May 12 years ago.

Below is a preview clip of the film, which is sure to be well made and likely provide a glimpse into this story that we haven't seen before. I can't wait to catch it. You can learn more about Breashears here and check out some bonus web clips from survivors here.

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