Thursday, April 24, 2008

Walking The World

A few days ago I posted about Gary Haus, who is walking around the world in stages. Today I'm posting about Harry Lee McGinnis, who goes by the name "Hawk", who has also been walking around the world. However, in Hawk's case, he's not doing it in stages, but in stead he's been out on the trail for 16 years in his quest to circumnavigate the globe on foot.

The journey actually begins back in 1983, when McGinnis set out from Arlington, Texas to walk through all 50 of the United States. He wandered for four years, taking time off here and there to enjoy the places that he visited. Along the way, he managed to hit every state in the union, not to mention parts of Canada as well.

When he finished that, he went home for awhile, married, and settled down for a few years. But it wasn't long before his feet once again heard the call of the road, so in 1992 he flew off to Dublin, Ireland to walk in the St. Patrick's Day parade. From there, he started his journey, and now, nearly 16 years, with 66 countries visited, and countless miles later, he's still going. He plans to finish up back in Texas sometime in 2010. He is currently in Panama City with the intention of heading North soon.

Hawk, who is 80 years old, carries everything with him in a backpack that is said to weigh 100 pounds. He has a steel tipped walking staff to assist in his trekking, but it has also served as a weapon to defend himself from time to time as well. He also carries a couple of throwing knives and a bullwhip too. The story of his walk has some interesting tales about some of the encounters he's had along the way.

Also on his website you'll find biographies, both short and long, some thoughts on the places he's been, and even a few photos.

When he returns home, he hopes to write a book about his journey, detailing the places he's been and the people he's met. Sounds like it might be quite a read.

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