Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 80

The latest episode of The Rest of Everest has hit the Interwebs, allowing us to continue on our virtual journey through Tibet with podcast producer Jon Miller and his friend Scott Jacobs.

Episode 80 opens with Jon once again giving us an update on the fundraising efforts for Lobsang, who served as his and Scott's guide last year while they visited the Himalayan country. With the current Chinese crackdown in the region, no tourists are getting in and out of the country, which means Lobsang has no way to earn a living. Jon passed the virtual collection plate for his friend, and to date we've donated $647 for him and his family. That's money that will go a long way in Tibet. If you haven't donated yet, you can still do so by clicking here.

From there we return to the town of Shigatse and the Tashilunpo Monastery where we are treated to scenes of the young monks preparing to serve tea to the older, more senior monks. First they we see them cleaning the large metal containers, then actually making the tea itself.

As usual, there is also plenty of great footage of the amazing buildings and architecture as well, but this weeks highlights include Jon and Scott playing matchmaker for Lobsang so that he could use Jon's sat phone to call his girlfriend the Ukraine. Scott fighting off pint-sized pickpockets is also quite humorous.

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