Monday, April 21, 2008

Preview an issue of Adventure World Magazine

Adventure World Magazine is a relatively new periodical focusing on all the outdoor activities we love so much. Whether it's paddling, mountain biking, hiking, adventure racing or what ever, they're looking to cover it and become the "voice for this ever growing population of adventure seeking individuals".

You can get a sample of what the magazine has to offer by taking a peek at their online edition which comes in a PDF format, is full of high quality photos, and writing from a host of outdoor athletes with good tips on training, building skills, and competing. There also sections on gear and adventure destinations as well. if you like what you see, you can even subscribe online for only 17 clams a year, or if you want to include membership in the USARA it's only $37.

While the magazine is relatively new, it's getting off to a good start. AWM is a "Greenzine" meaning that it is completely published electronically, saving trees and lowering it's impact on the environment dramatically. Most periodicals still don't use recycled paper, let alone come in an electronic format.

We'll have to keep an eye on AWM as it grows and begins to branch out into a wide variety of topics. It's always nice to have alternative sources for news and info in the adventure world, and I welcome the crew over at AWM wholeheartedly.

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