Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Everest 2008: Summit Push On The North Side?

Everest News has posted one of their famous "news flashes" with an update from the North Side of Everest. The word is that the Chinese/Tibetan team has reached 8300m, which would put them just 550m below the summit, and within striking distance if the weather holds out. This would seem to be about on the schedule we've been hearing for a few weeks that the first summit bid would begin around the 28th of April, and it's quite possible that the Olympic Torch could reach the top as early as tomorrow.

Everest News goes on to say that their weather forecasts show the 3rd and 6th of May as the best dates to attempt a summit in the near future, so we'll have to wait and see if the window opens long enough for the team to reach their goal. Should they summit ahead of the May 10th deadline, it will also be interesting to see how that effects things on the South Side as well.

Meanwhile, this report over at MountEverest.net corroborates the weather window opening up around the 3rd of May, saying that is when the Chinese have the best chance to summit in the next few days. The report also mentions a "Sniper in Everest south side camp 2" as part of it's headline, but it seems like more of a sensationalist title than anything else. The actual article says that while there is someone in C2 with a sniper rifle, the mood there is friendly and upbeat. The military presence is on hand to insure that no one goes above that point until after the May 10th deadline.

Finally, both Everest News and ExWeb are reporting that that the journalists are now in BC on the North Side, but it doesn't sound like they're enjoying their new digs. ExWeb describes it like this: "Reuters reports from Everest north side that journalists there are cold, altitude sick and miserable, hanging out somewhere near BC." Welcome to Base Camp guys! Enjoy your stay! ;)

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