Monday, December 7, 2009

Adventure Says Goodbye... For Now!

Following the news last week that National Geographic Adventure would cease publishing, the editors of the magazine have posted a farewell note on their site saying "Good-bye For Now"

The bittersweet article is posted on the Adventure Blog with a recap of some of the highlights of the past ten years, in which the magazine was at the fore front of outdoor adventure around the globe, covering some of the premiere expeditions to take place in that time, and throwing a spotlight on emerging destinations for the rest of us would-be adventurers longing for a little excitement and action in our own lives.

While Adventure will indeed by missed, the post does indicate that it won't be going away completely. The story states: "But Adventure isn't gone for good. Keep an eye out for special newsstand editions, books, and on the web." Which is a good indication of what we can expect in the months ahead. Lets hope it isn't gone for too long, and that the great tradition of the magazine and website continues.

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