Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kiwi's Claim Victory At The Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge

The New Zealand squad of Qasr Al Sarab has claimed victory at the Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge, completing the six-day, stage race in 46 hours, 19 minutes, and 6 seconds, and finishing more than 35 minutes ahead of their next closest competitor, Team ADCO, also of New Zealand. Vibram-Sport 2000 claimed third place on the podium, with a strong showing as well.

Today was the sixth, and final day, of the third annual Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge. The coed teams of four were put through their paces, starting on a ropes course, then transitioning to mountain bikes, before crossing the finish line on foot. Todays stage capped nearly a full week of racing that included a long trek through the desert, complete with orienteering, and a challenging sea kayaking leg that even tested the top two Kiwi teams, largely considered the best paddlers in the sport.

The win by Qasr Al Sarab makes it a clean sweep for Richard and Elina Ussher, who have been on the winning teams for the previous two Adventure Challenges. This year they were joined by Marcel Hagner and AR legend Nathan Fa'ave, completing one of the most impressive teams ever assembled.

Other teams are still finishing up the event, but overall this was a strong field of 40 teams from all over the world. The race looks to have been as fun and competitive as ever, and will likely return in 2010 as the final big adventure racing event of the year.

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