Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Rest of Everest Episode 123: Tengboche

Wednesday is "Trek Everest Day" it seems, as we have another episode of The Rest of Everest to enjoy as well. This fourth season of the show is focused on an Everest Base Camp trek that took place this past spring, and continues to offer us some great insights into what it is like to make this journey.

Today we have Episode 123: Tengboche, which begins with video of the support team breaking camp for the trekkers, who were preparing to hit the trail, but not before visiting the vibrant and colorful local monastery first. Fortunately for us, we get to tag along for the ride, as the group paid a "special fee" to allow them to shoot photos and video inside the building.

While inside the monastery, the group gets an explanation of the Tibetan Wheel of Life, with one of the guides explaining its concepts in front of a beautifully painted representation of that important aspect to Buddhist beliefs. In short, the Wheel is a representation of the stages of life (birth, life, death) that we all pass through, while incorporating karmic influences in our actions and their impact on ourselves.

Leaving the monastery behind, the crew hits the trail once again, and for the later portions of this episode, we get to see more of the Himalayan countryside. As has been typical in recent episodes, show producer Jon Miller is joined by several members of the trek, and they each weigh in through out the show with their thoughts on the trek, and its impact on them as the went.

Keep an eye out for a great shot of the 22,349 foot peak Ama Dablam, which makes an appearance near the end of this episode as well.

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