Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best Hike Goes To The Himalaya: Day 9 - Base Camp!

Our virtual tag-along adventure through the HImalaya with Rick McCharles, editor of BestHike.com, continues today, as reach the high point of his trek, Everest Base Camp.

It is Day 9 of Rick's expedition, and he has made a massive push up to Everest Base Camp in order to be there when the weather clears and to get the best opportunity to view the summit of the mountain unfettered by clouds. BC is located at 17,500 feet, just below the famous Khumbu Icefalls, which is a treacherous, yet beautiful portion of the mountain. For most trekkers, that is where the journey ends, as it is dangerous to attempt a crossing of the icefall, which is maintained by a team of Sherpas, who lay a series of ladders over wide open crevasses to create a path during the climbing season.

Upon reaching his goal, Rick took some superb photos, before quickly beating a hasty retreat. His goal was to head back down the mountain, to richer air, and Dingboche, where he could resume his plans to hike the "Three Passes of Everest" Itinerary, a route that would send him on the most challenging hike in the region.

Stay tuned! More photos and stories from the trail to come tomorrow.

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